Old Authorized DHCP server still in list with an equal symbol in front of the...
Hi allI hope I am in the correct area.I have an old authorized DHCP server that has been gone for a long time. I want to remove it from the Manage Authorized Servers list. This servers name was called...
View ArticleWinRM load CPU 100%
I have 9 Domain Controllers 2012 (not R2) and one DC 2008R2 in one Domain. Damain has 5 sites. There are some trusted domains. All DCs are VirtualMachines on VmWare. Damain and Forest tevel - 2008R2....
View ArticleNLTM authentication
I want to check if protected users usentlm authentication, how can I do it? (I know it should be disabled)
View ArticleRaising Parent Domain Functional Level Separate from Child Domain
I have two domains. DomainA is the parent domain at 2003 functional level. DommainB is the child domain at 2003 functional level.I have old WinNT machines joined to DomainB so I want to leave this...
View ArticleIdentity synchronization Error
Hello Allim facing this issue after migrating one of our users to office 365.Unable to update this object in Azure Active Directory, because the attribute [ShadowCommonName], in the local Directory...
View Article(ADFS V3 and O365) claims rules
Hello, You can set up rules to limit access to O365 based on the location of the client (extranet). But, do you know if it is possible to have more granularity and create a claims rule to restrict...
View ArticleDMZ authentication scenario with AD-LDS or RODC
Hello!I'm trying to find the best solution for the following scenario: A customer wants to authenticate AD-Users via LDAP in an Application hosted in an DMZ. I have read a lot about ADLDS now and came...
View ArticleMigrate Shares & Permissions from SBS 2003 to Windows 2012 R2
I need to know how to perform a migration of shares and permissions of users from SBS2003 to Windows Server 2012
View ArticleAD Replication Status Tool shows "Orphaned nTDSDSA Objects Found"
Hi,Today I downloaded the AD Replication Status Tool to see health of my AD replication.We have total 3 DCs (1 primary and 2 additional DCs).As per help of this tool, I should see all list of all my...
View ArticleAzure AD (AAD) and ADFS password reset
There is an integration guide for deploying ADFS for Office 365 in Azure https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn509538.aspx but it doesn't talk about the possibility of using Azure AD (AAD) -...
View ArticleMax size for comment attribute
What is the max size for comment attribute? from link below is 1024 upper-range, is it possible to have more that the upper-range?https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms676199(v=vs.85).aspx
View ArticleDirectory services replication failed
Hi! Pls help me, I do not know what the problem is.I have 2 DC server, First DC SBS2011 (master), second DC 2012R2 Essential. Maybe 4-5 days ago stopped replication from SBS2011 to Essential.I run...
View ArticleRemove old entries from CA database
Hi,We are working to clean CA database where we have found that there are many expired certificates featuring in Issued Certificate folder in Certificate Management Console.I want to know why the copy...
View ArticleWS Federation with RDWEB
Hi,I have a windows 2012 with RDWEB. I am trying to configure ADFS with it. I installed WIF and modified all my web.config accordingly. But when i try to access the RDWEB i get redirected to ADFS and...
View ArticleLogon failure the target account name is incorrect
We are currently running two servers, configured as below:1 x SBS 2011 Main Server ( NAME - SERVER11 x Win 2008 R2 Server - Remote Site Connected ( NAME - SERVER 2DOMAIN -...
View ArticleTracking down owa access using Logon Timestamp
Hi all, I must create a report for all active directory user to find when is the last time that they did logon to the system. I would like to use the lastlogontimestamp attribute to accomplish this...
View ArticleL2TP\IPSec + Certificates
There is network with AD, CA, RRAS. All server run 20120 R2.If i connect to VPN with L2TP\IPSec with PSK - all works. I would like to use Certificate authentication. I try to create a request:and when...
View ArticleDesired authentication protocol for DSA fail after DC-reboot
Hi!We have experienced authentication and replication problems after restart of our Domain Controllers for a quite long period (1-2 years). Replication problems is almost always solved with an extra...
View ArticleMultiple Computers receive Access Denied at logon. User credentials are...
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit computer working normally or recently rebooted. User tries to logon and the access denied message displays. I try to logon with local admin account and get the same error....
View ArticleDefault Rights in Active Directory
Hello everybody,one of my customers has some problems regarding active directory changes. I'm unable to rise the domain function level allthough i'm member of domain-admins and organisation-admin for...
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