We currently have 2 sites and 3 domain controllers. 2 DC's on one site and 1 on the other. I'm trying to add one more DC to the site with only 1 DC. When upgrading the server via DCPROMO, I keep getting the message:
To install a domain controller into this Active Directory domain, you must first prepare the domain by using "adprep /forestprep". The Adprep utility is available on the <a href="#" id="_GPLITA_1" in_rurl="http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MzI5OTg6MTMwNDp3aW5kb3dzIHNlcnZlcjplMTdkMjk4YmIyYjBjZjc5ZTczMzIzYzQzNzljZDU4NDp6LTEzMjItMTI3NTA0OnNvY2lhbC50ZWNobmV0Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb206MzI2NTM6YWMwNmFjNDdmN2I4NDY4MTZhMDMyMWEyZDg2NTllYjI" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="Click to Continue > by Coupon Companion Plugin">Windows Server 2008 R2 installation media in the \support\adprep folder".
I ran this command on the primary DC and it <a href="#? id="_GPLITA_0? in_rurl="http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MzYxMzI6MjE1NTpjb21wbGV0ZWQ6OGFhNGQzNzYwZTJlM2UwNTExMDljNWQyOWM3ZTFkZWI6ei0xMzIyLTEyNzUwNDpzb2NpYWwudGVjaG5ldC5taWNyb3NvZnQuY29tOjQ2MTExOjcxZmEzZGYxMmMxMTBmYWIyNDVkMmY3ZWQzMGZmYTQz" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="Click to Continue > by Coupon Companion Plugin">completed successfully. However, I still keep getting the message above. All of our DC's are Windows Server 2008. The new DC is Windows Server 2008 R2.
any ideas?