We are adding a RODC in our DMZ. I have read the ms articles on this and deployed the RODC without error. I can log onto the RODC with domain credentials and have no problems. The problem I am having is adding a DMZ server to the domain and then logging on. I have read the 2 methods ms suggested, the script and using Djoin.exe.
I decided to use the djoin method cause it seems pretty simple. Ran the command and copied the blob file to the machine I want to join, added the pc account to the PRP and forced it to populate, Ran the djoin command again on the machine i want to add to the domain (dmz server) to "consume" the blob file and rebooted it. No problem. But when I try to logon I get told there are no logon servers available to complete the request. I have looked on the RODC eventlogs and don't see any errors.
not sure what else to do. Please help