We are at the step 0 of the migration from FRS to DFSR sysvol replication on Windows 2008R2 DC.
Every time I run powershell DFSRMIG / GETMIGRATIONSTATE it says:
"Unable to create DFSR Migration Log file. Error 1307.
All Domain Controllers have migrated successfully to Global state 'Start'.
Migration has reached a consistent state on all domain Controllers.
It creates an event ID 1302 in the "DFS Replication" event log, explaining what error 1307 means:"This security ID may not be assigned as the ownder of this object".
I already checked the space limits, quotas, permissions on C:\windows\debug according to Microsoft support article but I was unable to fix it.
Although, there are new entries added to DFSR00095.txt log file despite this error. This is the only DFSRXXXX file that has not been archived into .GZ format, and, I beleive, it contains all DFSR diagnostics and events.
Here are some of the latest entries:
20150908 08:47:27.867 11616 SYSM 3354 Migration::SysVolMigration::GetSysVolReadyFlag [MIG] Sysvol Is Ready
20150908 08:47:27.867 11616 SYSM 456 Migration::SysvolMigrationTask::Step [MIG] Starting sharing out NTFRS SYSVOL because globalState is 'Start'
20150908 08:47:27.867 11616 CREG 2457 Config::RegWriter::SetSysVolReadyFlag Set key:System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters valueNameSysvolReady value:1
20150908 08:47:27.867 11616 SYSM 1045 Migration::SysVolMigration::Migrate [MIG] Migrate to state 'Start'
20150908 08:47:27.867 11616 SYSM 1056 Migration::SysVolMigration::Migrate [MIG] Begin migrate count:1
20150908 08:47:27.867 11616 SYSM 4836 [WARN] Migration::SysVolMigration::SetLocalStateInLocalAd [MIG] (Ignored) Local Settings does not exist because DC is in START state.
20150908 08:47:27.867 11616 SYSM 1144 Migration::SysVolMigration::Migrate [MIG] Begin migrate: migration to state 'Start' completed
20150908 08:47:27.867 11616 SYSM 4376 Migration::SysVolMigration::DeleteRoMember [MIG] Deleting DFSR member object
20150908 08:47:27.867 11616 SYSM 4396 Migration::SysVolMigration::DeleteRoMember [MIG] Current global state is 'Start
I am hesitatnt to start the Step 1 of migration until that error is fixed or determined to be benign... Please, help!