I have a new Windows 2012 AD LDS instance setup. The MS schema files MS-InetOrgPerson.LDF, MS-User.LDF, MS-UserProxy.LDF,
and MS-UserProxyFull.LDF and MS-AdamSyncMetadata.LDF were loaded
during the build. I am attempting to sync user objects from Windows 2012 R2 AD toLDS. The AD partition is DC=DOM12R2,DC=local and the LDS partition is DC=DOM12R2,DC=local. Windows 2012 AD LDS is a member server of active directory domain. My account is a member of the Domain Admin group and is member of Administrators
group in the LDS configuration instance. I am configuring this AD LDS to work with Cisco Unity and using the following article:
To create the sync file, I made a copy of MS-AdamSyncConf.XML and have made the minimum changes necessary for this configuration. However, after I install the config file successfully, and run the sync and the sync completes without errors, however, no objects
are created in LDS. Please help. Thanks.
Contents of config file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
(|(&(!cn=Administrator)(!cn=Guest) (!cn=ASPNET)
Log output:
Adamsync.exe v1.0 (6)
Establishing connection to target server localhost:389.
Saving Configuration File on DC=DOM12R2,DC=local
Saved configuration file.
ADAMSync is querying for a writeable replica of DOM12R2.local.
Establishing connection to source server DC-DOM12R2.DOM12R2.local:389.
Using file .\dam278F.tmp as a store for deferred dn-references.
Populating the schema cache
Populating the well known objects cache
Starting synchronization run from dc=DOM12R2,dc=local.
Starting DirSync Search with object mode security.
Updating the configuration file DirSync cookie with a new value.
Beginning processing of deferred dn references.
Finished processing of deferred dn references.
Finished (successful) synchronization run.
Number of entries processed via dirSync: 0
Number of entries processed via ldap: 0
Processing took 0 seconds (0, 0).
Number of object additions: 0
Number of object modifications: 0
Number of object deletions: 0
Number of object renames: 0
Number of references processed / dropped: 0, 0
Maximum number of attributes seen on a single object: 0
Maximum number of values retrieved via range syntax: 0
Beginning aging run.
Aging requested every 0 runs. We last aged 1 runs ago.
Saving Configuration File on DC=DOM12R2,DC=local
Saved configuration file.