Computers loosing trust to my domain!
Hi!So we deployed windows 7 to a many remote locations where we have no local domain controller and they are connected to head quarter with a slow link, now a couple months later I have received a...
View ArticleAuthentication forwarding possible between DCs in trusting domains?
Is it possible to allow a user from an internal domain to authenticate to a server in an external domain, using the trust, without the need to open the firewall from the server to the internal domain?...
View ArticleWhy can't we create two user accounts ( same display name) with two different...
Why can't we create two user accounts ( same display name) with two different userid's in Active Directory.?
View ArticleADFS 3.0 Windows Security Prompt Doesn't Permit Selection of Smart Card...
I'm trying to get ADFS 3.0 to perform authentication using a DoD CAC. This smart card carries 3 certificates (encryption, signing, and identification). In a working authentication scenario (not using...
View ArticleRE: AD Health Monitoring
hi. i would like to write some scripts to monitor the health of active directory on a daily basis. what would be good active directory components to monitor every single day? also, i would need to be...
View ArticleLogOnTo keeps getting re-enabled for User in Active Directory
Transitioning away from Windows Essentials Business Server 2008 over to a Windows Server 2012 R2 Environment.With Windows Essentials Business Server 2008 they had Windows Essential Business Server...
View ArticleGET-ADUser, enabled and disabled users..AND NULL users...
I´m trying to grab a AD listing, with the enabled/disabled status for all AD users (with some minor excpetions)in 4.000 users more than 140 shows the Enabled/Disabled status as NULLThe powershell...
View ArticleDSRM Mode
Hi Experts - I have booted my DC in "Active Directory repair" mode. But now from DSRM i cant reboot the server in normal mode.i have tried "bcdedit /deletevalue safeboot " command. but getting error...
View ArticleNetBIOS Name Alias for Login?
At the moment, users have been logging on with 'CURRICULUM\[Username]'. However, we have recently started using an app that refuses to change the domain name from 'corp' (we are currently in the...
View ArticleClient & AD Certificates
Hi All,Few Days Back we just migrate from Google Apps to Office365.Every things seems to be working fine except Offline Address Book.Offiline Address Book is not able to download just going in send and...
View ArticleReplicate now error and Kcc event id 1311 and 1865 are all occurring.
I have run into the 2 different KCC event errors and a failed dcdiag /test:services.The 2 KCC id's are 1865 and 1311. I have verified all sites and subnets are correct in AD Sites and Services. All...
View ArticleClient computer assigned to different dc
Hi,I have 4 dc:Svvm (DC)VM2(DC)TestVM1 (DC)VMRODC (RODC)and each of them have their own site and subnet , once i wrote the command nltest / on vm2 for exalmple i got that it assigned...
View Articlegroup policy
HI,WIndows AD Client machine is very slow. where should i check in Group Policy setting For this issue ?thanks
View ArticleKerberos security error
I just added a Hyper-V 2012 R2 server to the 2012 R2 main server. Using "Right-click ThisPC>Properties> change from workgroup to Domain: I added to the main server domain. On the...
View ArticleAuthentication issues with Internet
Hiusers are complaining randomly about internet will not work. It displays page cannot be found. however if there log out and log back in and it seems to work for a while and then will drop again.If...
View ArticleConfig PDC As Not Reliable TIme + Config Domain Controller As Reliable Time
HiI Followed Microsoft Article : Cofig Pdc To Be Not Reliable Time As Follow: w32tm /config /syncfromflags:domhier /reliable:no...
View Articlefailed to authenticate to DC (event ID 3210)
I´m troubleshooting different Workstation slowness scenarios, and one of the conserning event ID is 3210 which indicates some authorization issues between Client Computer and Domain. Also group policy...
View ArticleDoes RODC need a replication Partner?
I'm unable to understand how it is getting replicated for RODC?
View ArticleError applying gpo
Hi,I have just created a new gpo in AD and have applied this one to a OU.The GPO is very easy, I have enabled user settings > Administrative templates > printers > prevent from deletion.I have...
View ArticleCleanup Failover Cluster after Cluster is already shut down
I have inherited an environment where things were not properly decommissioned. I have a cluster that was just shutdown and the machines were destroyed (deleted VMs), so the cluster object still exists...
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