I am having an issue with a Server 2008 R2 Domain Controller. Originally my site had 2 DC's, a Server 2008 DC, Server A, (Original Server), and a Server 2008 R2, Server B, (Newer Server). Both Servers were operational as a Primary Domain
Controller and a Secondary. The domain was created on Server A, Server B was added 2 years later. All FSMO roles were still residing on Server A.
Server A suffered a hardware failure that brought it completely offline. I tried to seize the FSMO roles from Server B and was able to seize all but the PDC Role. I get the following error:
Attempting safe transfer of PDC FSMO before seizure.
ldap_modify_sW error 0x34(52 (Unavailable).
Ldap extended error message is 000020AF: SvcErr: DSID-03210581, problem 5002 (UN
AVAILABLE), data 8524
Win32 error returned is 0x20af(The requested FSMO operation failed. The current
FSMO holder could not be contacted.)
Depending on the error code this may indicate a connection,
ldap, or role transfer error.
Transfer of PDC FSMO failed, proceeding with seizure ...
ldap_modify of fsmoRoleOwner failed with 0x1(1 (Operations Error).
Ldap extended error message is 000020EF: SvcErr: DSID-02080615, problem 5012 (DI
R_ERROR), data -1414
Win32 error returned is 0x20ef(The directory service encountered an unknown fail
I have not seen this error message before and am at a loss as to how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated.
Server A suffered a hardware failure that brought it completely offline. I tried to seize the FSMO roles from Server B and was able to seize all but the PDC Role. I get the following error:
Attempting safe transfer of PDC FSMO before seizure.
ldap_modify_sW error 0x34(52 (Unavailable).
Ldap extended error message is 000020AF: SvcErr: DSID-03210581, problem 5002 (UN
AVAILABLE), data 8524
Win32 error returned is 0x20af(The requested FSMO operation failed. The current
FSMO holder could not be contacted.)
Depending on the error code this may indicate a connection,
ldap, or role transfer error.
Transfer of PDC FSMO failed, proceeding with seizure ...
ldap_modify of fsmoRoleOwner failed with 0x1(1 (Operations Error).
Ldap extended error message is 000020EF: SvcErr: DSID-02080615, problem 5012 (DI
R_ERROR), data -1414
Win32 error returned is 0x20ef(The directory service encountered an unknown fail
I have not seen this error message before and am at a loss as to how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated.