I got hit by that navy time server blunder 11/19 talk about y2k biting you on the butt..... all is fine now but the micosoft tech said the #2 DC was "tombstoned' (is that proper use of the term ? ...the server itself is tombstoned...or is that what it amounst to when the replicated AD is beyond the tobmstone attribute value?)
so I am now researching al this stuff about tombstone I thought I knew alot about Tombstone since I know what
"I'm your Huckleberry " means :)
so I guess I will only see the tombstone lifetime attribute on the replicated DC?
although my server 2003 is at SP2 this attribute is listed as not set ..is that normal ? ...if so is there any need to put a value on this attribute ?
I am also lookig for advise on how to protect the time source from doing big "time jumps" like this one that got me.....essentially protecting the clock from large offsets