Hi, I'm working on the 70-640 training kit. I'm having trouble getting 2 accounts created with LDIFDE, checked for typos and can't find any. It gives me an add error starting on line 1. Says attribute doesn't exist. Here is what I have typed in Notepad.
Saved it as NewUsers.ldf. Trying to run as: ldifde -i -f NewUsers.ldf -k -h The User Account OU exists so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
DN: CN=April Stewart,OU=User Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com
changeType: add
CN: April Stewart
objectClass: user
sAMAccountName: april.stewart
userPrincipalName: april.stewart@contoso.com
givenName: April
sn: Stewart
displayName: Stewart, April
mail: april.stewart@contoso.com
description: Sales Representative in the USA
title: Sales Representative
department: Sales
company: Contoso, Ltd.
DN: CN=Tony Krijnen,OU=User Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com
changeType: add
CN: Tony Krijnen
objectClass: user
sAMAccountName: tony.krijnen
userPrincipalName: tony.krijnen@contoso.com
givenName: Tony
sn: Krijnen
displayName: Krijnen, Tony
mail: tony.krijnen@contoso.com
description: Sales Representative in the Netherlands
title: Sales Representative
department: Sales
company: Contoso, Ltd.