We have a domain trust between DomainA.com and DomainB.local.
DomainA.com is an external non-transitive incoming trust to DomainB.local and DomainB.local is an external non-transitive outgoing trust to DomainA.com. Both are set to selective authentication.
The issue is: I can’t lookup users or groups or computer objects from domainB.local in DomainA.com.
I am a Domain and Enterprise admin in the DomainB.local .
So , when I log-on to a DC in the domainB.local domain and use ADUC to search for objects in the domainA.com. Nothing comes up.
I have double check DNS resolutions and that is working fine. What can I test or do to get this working,
I will need to add user objects from domainA.com to resources in the DomainB.local for our migration.