In our company we need to enable ldap with ssl authentication to a third-party software(web).
my situation is : A/D internally called company.lan and external url is mycompany.com
I read and followed this article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321051 and I have some questions.
From this article step 3.Submit the request to a CA. You can submit the request to a Microsoft CA or to a third-party CA.
For Microsoft CA, I understand is the CA installed in my domain. I can issue a cert to DC.COMPANY.LAN (FQDN), how could I issue it to internal.mycompany.com
Now if I use ldp.exe I can connect to DC with port 636 and fqdn. but not for the dns name (example internal.mycompamy.com) .
My question is Can I issue a "domain controller authentication" from my CA to the url internal.mycompamy.com? From the web interface I don't see this option (http://localhost/certsrv/certrqxt.asp)