What happens when an active directory server were to get turned off by accident for 6 months. After 6 months the DC get turned back on and it is out of sync from the other DCs. Since it is passed the default tombstone of AD, replication will occur or try
to occur. Will the 6 month dc that was turned off, replicate the missing changes or try to replicate the missing changes that the other DCs dont have but itself has causing stale records or will the other DCs try to update it with all the new information?
Second question is related to AD Replication. I ran the command
repadmin /showpostmail /latency DC=va,DC=postmail,DC=com and it showed me SIDS below instead of showing me the site link and DC name. The entries are expired, but just trying to understand what they are doing their and if they will harm anything
if I leave them or will they eventually disappear automatically.
c992b4e5-4bb9-4183-a9d3-57c82c4a6e6f @ USN 135422 @ Time 2012-01-26 18:48:58
8cce4140-02d9-4c05-94y4-80235eeae424 @ USN 131209 @ Time 2012-02-17 19:59:56