Eventually we plan to migrate to DFSR sysvol replication, but for the time being we are still using FRS (still have a bunch of 2000 DCs).
I already found out you can't install ntfrsutil on a windows 7 PC.
I restarted the ntfrs service on the DC holding all master roles, then restarted the service on the DC I wanted to replication to, but sysvol replication did not take place (verified this by confirm a new GPO was not replicated to the sysvol folder on the other DC). I also completely reboot the DC I wanted to replicate to (if that would even make difference) which did not cause replication to take effect.
I want to be able to force sysvol replication on a whim without having to wait for our replication schedule to kick in.
How can I force ntfrs replication from my windows 7 PC?