I would like to create a backup of an existing AD LDS instance from one server and give it to developers to restore it on their local computers (2008/win7).
I followed the procedures using dbdsutil.exe utility to backup and restore the session but can't make it work 100% like the original instance. The restoration works fine but if I open ADSI Edit to check it I have:
1. I can connect successfully but if I open the directory tree and look around in the instance root I have just the "builtin" folder and the rest of the OUs are empty inside, no users, no objects and no attributes.
2. I cannot connect to my instance and ADSI Edit is throwing me 0x8000500d error. "The directory property cannot be found in cache."
The steps I made look quite simple but they don't work in my case:
- Create the backup with dbdsutil.exe , in fact saves the adamntds.dit file . (The Windows backup procedure is not feasable in my case because it would mean sharing about 10GB)
- Recreate the instance at the destination with the same settings, without the partition.
- Stop the instance service.
- Xcopy the file from backup to "Microsoft ADAM\instance\data" folder
- Restart the service and open ADSI Edit to check the status.
These are the links I used to do the backup and restore:
1. The source AD LDS server is a 2008R1 domain machine (not controller), the destination is not a domain computer and is 2008R2 or win7.
2. The source AD LDS server has been synced with AD DS server to pull the configuration, schema, etc ...
Please help