I need to address the following scenario. I have 2 NAS as RADIUS clients (both valid clients as per the IAS server). A user authenticates through NAS client 1. After some time, NAS client 1 fails, and NAS client 2 takes over that user. NAS client 2 has cached the authentication information for that user, and hence the user doesn't need to re-authenticate with the IAS server again. Now, I need to update that user's record in the IAS server, so that in future if the server sends a RADIUS disconnect-message or COA request, it reaches NAS client 2, and not NAS client 1 through which the user originally authenticated.
My question is, can I do so by sending an Accounting-Request for that user from NAS client 2 after it has taken over for NAS client 1? If not, is there an alternate way to update the record for that user on IAS server? Or should I be resigned to re-authenticating the user all over again with IAS server?