I'm trying to build an ADFS environment with a partner. I downloaded & ran the ADFS 2.0 setup program. I completed the 1st step, where the service is installed, IIS is configured, Powershell is installed, etc. Then I get to the step where I have to configure the relying partner, by importing data from a file or connecting to a URL.
I spoke to my counterpart with our partner about getting the file from him. He says I'm his relying partner, and that I need to send him the metadata URL. After digging through too much documentation I believe he's correct.
We're trying to get a single signon to a web application we host (we're the resource) for this partner.
I'm rather confused at this point in the setup/configuration. What or how do I deal with the requirement for the relying partner information with this wizard?
What or where is the metadata URL my counterpart is asking for?
Thanks for the assistance. AD FS is new to me, but looks to be a promising tool, if I can just figure out how to implement it.