I am using AD Object picker to select machines. eg. FQDN of my selected machine is test-pc1.test1.contoso.com
If I entered the following format (test-pc1, test-pc1@test1, test1\test-pc1 or test1.contoso.com\test-pc1) into the object picker, it resolved to an AD object in GC with no problem (GC://test1.contoso.com:8888/CN=......), and the scope returned is GLOBAL_CATALOG.
But, if I entered the FQDN as the object name (test-pc1.test1.contoso.com or test1\test-pc1.test1.contoso.com) into the object picker, it cannot be resolved. After I extended the scope to contains USER_ENTERED_UPLEVEL_SCOPE | USER_ENTERED_DOWNLEVEL_SCOPE, it gets resolved by to a different AD object (WinNT://test1.contoso.com/test-pc1.test1.contoso.com). This object returned missing the attributes I need (sid and dnshostname).
Is this an expected behavior? why FQDN and short name are resolved to two different objects? am I supposed to use the object in WINNT:// format, why the sid for that object is empty?
Thank you for any help.