My domain environment is Windows Server 2008
When I open "domains and trusts", and look at the properties for my domain, I see an old domain (long gone) listed there.
Attempting to "delete" it, results in an error:
"Windows cannot obtain the trust information for domain Either the domain is unavailable or its trust information no longer exists. If the trust information does not exist, you should remove the trust. Do you want to remove the trust?"
selecting yes presents another error:
"A trusted-domain object cannot be found for the trust to domain The trust may have been removed by another user."
I looked in ADSIEdit --> Default Naming Context --> my domain --> CN=System
I do not see any reference to the old domain there
I ran the following command:
netdom query trust
Here I see a reference to the old domain and a status of "not found"
If I connect to netdom and look for domains, I don't see the old domain referenced for me to remove.
Does anyone have some suggestions on how I could get this old trust removed?
When users login to the domain, the old domain still shows up in the drop down box, and I am having a hard time getting it to go away! Thanks in advance for your suggestions!