Hello, I've been attempting to get to the bottom of a nagging logon issue. Sporadically, I encounter servers whereas I cannot login using domain credentials via VMware VIC or RDP. Login simply responds with "incorrect usernname or password" when I am positive they are not (since I just used them elsewhere). I've begun to research and many rabbit holes later landed here.
What I do know is on a "problem child server" the major consistent findings are 1. a reboot fixes it and 2. I'm unable to get a successful w32tm /monitor 3. do not see any tickets using klist (ok maybe normal)
I've restarted services and other stuff but have not been able to fix without rebooting yet. I enabled netlogon logging and see a LOT of stuff. I find the process below interesting and seeking any advice, suggestions or feedback. here is a snip of the netlogon.log
when I get a failed domain login here is what appears in the log:
[LOGON} SamLogon: Network Logon of domain\username from SourceServer Entered
[LOGON] SamLogon: Network Logon of domain\username from SourceServer returned 0x0
[MISC] NetpDcGetName: Domain FQDN cache too old 33020594
The log then appears to go into a resolution process using UDP pings and egventually comes back with:
[MISC] NetpDcGetName: Domain FQDN using cached information.
ANY suggestions, advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,