we are facing multiple errors and any advice to further troubleshoot them is highly appreciated.
We have a forest level of 2003 and 2 DC's Windows 2008R2 + WDS / DHCP Server 2008R2 in one VLAN and 2 DC's Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 in another VLAN. On the Windows 2008 servers the KB 92985 to remove IPv6 was run. We have troubles with some applications which we were able to pinpoint to ipv6. Therefor we wanted to make sure that ipv6 is not used in our environment.
I believe that the problems started after this kb was run but it could be a network problem as well as several network devices were changed. But I just don't know what else I could do to find out the real problem. Just for information working with the network guys to troubleshoot this isn't going to work.
1) dcdiag (now this is a translation as we have german AD):
Starting test: SystemLog
* The System Event log test
The event protocol on server < AD servername > cannot be querried. Error 0x6ba "The RPC Server is unavailable."
.........................<AD servername > has not passed Test SystemLog.
2) In addition our PXE and DHCP environment isn't working anymore. No name resolution and no pxe boot is the other problem I have.
What works:
servers with static IPs don't have problems and AD replication works as well.
Any ideas what I could do to find out the real problem? Maybe it is just a network problem and doesn't have anything to do with the KB that was run but as I cannot pinpoint the problem right now I don't know how to go on troubleshooting it. Again any ideas are highly appreciated.
In addition if any of you know of a good how to or an articel how to remove ipv6 from windows server 2008r2 without destroying it - that would be a great help as well.