I have aServer 2008 AD used for our Exchange 2007 installation. I have 6500 users in 25 separate organizations in this AD with each organization in a separate OU.
I would like to push these AD accounts out into the separate organizations for use as the domain login on the local user machines.
Right now each organization has their own local AD domain. I want to allow the users in each organization to use their email username and password for login to their desktop workstations.
I can see this working if each organization points their computers to my domain controllers for authentication. My first concern is that if a user travels to another organization they would
be able to use their login to gain access to a local workstation
that they should not necessarily have access to.
My first general level question become: Is it possible to have many separate organizations login to the same AD domain but be limited in the locations by some AD policy?
This question seems more confusing than I feel it really is. Please ask any questions needed for clarification.