Hi! I'm getting the following error message when trying to use Protect Document > Restrict Access > Connect to Rights Management Servers and get template.
"Sorry, something went wrong opening Information Rights Management protected content. The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not been authenticated."
I'm doing my testing in Virtual Machines on Windows Server 2012, Standard Edition. I'm using an evaluation copy of Office 2013 Professional Plus on an eval copy of Windows 8 Enterprise. A separate VM in the virtual network is a domain controller, and another is my AD RMS server. All server VMs are also on Windows Server 2012.
The RMS server is configured for HTTP operation for simplicity in testing. Its name is resolvable from DNS, and it responds to a ping from the client OS.
I note that when the a standard user tries to connect to the ADRMS web services directly via a browser, it prompt for credentials although the user is already logged on to a domain user account.
Any thoughts about what I should test next?