Good Morning,
I am trying to query active directory to find out who has Remote Desktop Services User Profile or Remote Desktop Services home folder defined in the Remote Desktop Service Profile. Found an article that said to look for the msTSHomeDrive and msTSHomeDirectory and msTSProfilePath
I checked ADSI edit and these attributes are <not set>, although I can see them in as being defined in Active Directory.
Also found a Powershell script to run, here is the context:function QueryTSProperties()
$ou = [adsi]"LDAP://dc=kmhp,dc=com"
$user = $ou.psbase.get_children().find($userDN)
foreach($property in $aryTSProperties)
"$($Property) value: $($user.psbase.invokeget($Property))"
} #end foreach
} #end QueryTSProperties
The script ran, but did not return any data.
Any thoughts or ideas on how to query these fields would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Brian Dougherty