At firstthe problemseems to bedownwithForeFrontTMG, however I would liketheopinionof you, becauseActive Directoryis involved.
I havea groupon the domain controller,this grouphassome users, the groupisuniversalsecurity.
AfterTMGwas createdin a UserSet,wherethis group createdon the domain controllerwas added.
Andfinallycreateda rule blockingall users(Alluser) of certainsites,unlessthose userswho are init in theADgroup, whichwas added toUserSet
I do not knowwhat happenedtothe ghostnowthe following happens, I'llit inAD,anda member of this groupretreat, withdrawingis not the guytoaccess certainsites, according to therule cited, howeverthe guycontinuesaccessingor viceversaI includea user whodid not have accessand the guydoes not accessanyway.
Howeverif Irestartthe client stationordo alogoffaltheright,iethe customer whowas not in thegroupand nowthisistheaccesstothe sitesnormally.And viceversa.
Howeverjustbeforetaking orplacingthe user'sgroup has worked outwithout having to restartorlogoffat the station.
At firstthe problemseems to bedownwithForeFrontTMG, however I would liketheopinionof you, becauseActive Directoryis involved.
I havea groupon the domain controller,this grouphassome users, the groupisuniversalsecurity.
AfterTMGwas createdin a UserSet,wherethis group createdon the domain controllerwas added.
Andfinallycreateda rule blockingall users(Alluser) of certainsites,unlessthose userswho are init in theADgroup, whichwas added toUserSet
I do not knowwhat happenedtothe ghostnowthe following happens, I'llit inAD,anda member of this groupretreat, withdrawingis not the guytoaccess certainsites, according to therule cited, howeverthe guycontinuesaccessingor viceversaI includea user whodid not have accessand the guydoes not accessanyway.
Howeverif Irestartthe client stationordo alogoffaltheright,iethe customer whowas not in thegroupand nowthisistheaccesstothe sitesnormally.And viceversa.
Howeverjustbeforetaking orplacingthe user'sgroup has worked outwithout having to restartorlogoffat the station.