Hi after resolving some other issues I am currently still having problems with the OWA search function, I have tried the solution as below;
You will need to execute a script on the affected Mailbox servers that re-installs the symbolic links:
1. Download the script Repair-ExchangeSearchSymlinks.ps1 from the Script Center (http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/16afe88b-6c6d-49a3-8b03-2a2ece27f61a)
2. Copy the Repair-ExchangeSearchSymlinks.ps1 script to the Scripts folder on the Mailbox server (default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\Scripts).
3. Within the Exchange Management Shell, navigate to the Exchange Scripts directory (default
location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\Scripts).
4. Within the Exchange Management Shell, run the following script:
5. Within the Exchange Management Shell, run the following script (without the symbols [] and substitute the database name(s) for any databases you wish to reset:
.\ResetSearchIndex.ps1 <-force> <dbname> [<dbname>]...
.\resetsearchindex.ps1 –force db001
6. In the event viewer on the mailbox server you will see Event ID 109 when the rebuilding of the index starts for
each database and an Event ID 110 for each database when the index rebuild has completed.
8. After receiving Event ID 110 for each database, test to make sure search functions correctly with both OWA and Outlook operating in Online Mode
But I never get a event ID: 110
Can anyone help?