The majority of the PCs in our office are on Windows 7 Pro, but we have a few older Vista machines and a few even older XP boxes.
We have a GPO enforced in Active Directory that configures Windows Update for all the workstations to pull from a local WSUS server (and disables user control over the settings, of course).
On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Microsoft released some system updates that took all our Vista machines down. Precisely speaking, they all were able to boot up afterwards; however, there were weird things going on on all of them, such as network logon script unable to complete, Outlook 2010 crashing when starting, Excel spreadsheets won't open, .NET-based apps stop working and .NET installation failing, and all this kind of things.
Anyways, my question is not about this glitchy M$ updates. I decided, that enough is enough (considering that it wasn't the only Windows update that badly affected Vista), so I excluded all Vista machines from being affected by the GPO for WU. To do this, I applied a WMI filer that I called "Not Vista" as follows:
FROM Win32_OperatingSystem
WHERE NOT (Version LIKE '6.0%' AND ProductType = '1')
It seemed to work fine (after gpupdate /force and reboot) on all the Vista boxes but one. On that one, the Windows Update settings still remain locked, with "Windows update is controlled by your system administrator".
Any idea on that?