I have two servers at a client site. Both are Windows 2008 R2, Both are Domain Controllers, and Global Catalog Servers. Everything is replicating ok (or at least appears to have), but the idea is if one goes down the business isn't impacted in any way. Yesterday
all of the internal machines couldn't get to the Internet and many of the internal mappings as the new server wasn't listed as the main DNS Server. I have since corrected that, and also pointed the new server to itself first for DNS and the older server second.I
also disabled IP-V6 (for now) and nslookup shows the new server. Prior to that it said unknown and pointed to ::1.
The only problem I am having now is the firewall is pointing to the new server for remote access (RDP), but it is relying on the old server for Active Directory validation. If I try to log into the VPN with the Ethernet from the old server unplugged, I get the validation error. This does none of the remote users any good if the old server gets interrupted, as well as the I.T. staff here that supports them. It happened a couple of nights ago, which is how we stumbled on this. Any way to force validation at the new Server?
Kaleb Jacob