Hi Guys
After just a domain restructure between
Windows 2003 Forest and Windows Server 2008 Forest which caused both forest become one Active Directory Forest 2008, I am getting continuous account lock outs almost every 1 to 5 minutes for all my domain accounts. After I scan my domain controllers, I figured out one of my domain controllers was infected with conficker as per attached. Once I removed it and scan my active directory, the conficker did not show again in virus scan through Mc Afee virus scan Enterprise, but my users are still getting locked up. I turned on Audit failure event for my domain accounts, and I am receiving huge umber of audit failures. I checked the audit failure event and most of them were related to accounts that were not available and were offline. Perhaps I received more than hundred audit failure events in a second. Could you please assist me sort this issue out. It is driving my crazy. For the time being, I had to remove lock out policy as the company production line as on complete halt due to locked up users. Please helppp. Thanks a lot..
Pooriya Aghaalitari