So I used the link below to setup/ move over my domains NTP server settings, In step for (NTP Server key) we have IP's listed not "peers" in the steps it says the following (below) out of the 4 IP's listed 2 of them do not have DNS records... Do I create a normal Host A record for them? Do I do anything differently?
Peers is a placeholder for a space-delimited list of peers from which your computer obtains time stamps. Each DNS name that is listed must be unique. You must append,0x1 to the end of each DNS name. If you do not append ,0x1 to the end of each DNS name, the changes that you make in step 5 will not take effect.
To be more specific, we have 4 NTP servers listed, we want to get our time sync from left to right but we are only able to get the time sync from the very end of the list