Hi all,
I have two 2k8 r2 DCs on my network. I noticed they stopped replicating and started investigating. Error 1722 listed many times in the event logs. When I tried to force replication I get RPC failure.
So I started troubleshooting RPC, using the following guide
However, I have performed every single step and I still have same problem
during troubleshooting I used the PortQry tool to test port 135, and it came back FILTERED.
So I began looking into the firewalls I have (Windows and McAfee HBSS). Windows firewalls are disabled, and even so, the inbound rules allow RPCSS.exe over any port.
So I started looking at the HIPS firewall on my ePolicy server. I found entries in the policy for all LDAP ports listed in the below article on how to configure your firewall for Active directory
I did not find an entry for port 135, however I DID find an entry for RPCSS.exe, over ALL ports and protocols, inbound and outbound, so I would think it was covered. Even so I put in a policy specifically for port 135.
This had no effect on the DCs, (both report 135 is filtered, either to themselves or to each other when running portqry)
So I decided to completely remove the HIPs firewall and all other installed HBSS programs. After removing them all, and confirming Windows firewall was still disabled, I ran PortQry again, and again, it came back filtered.
I am now at a loss for what to do next. I really need to get RPC working again since it is the lynch pin for practically everything, especially replication.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Systems Administrator