Hi All,
While promoting the 2012 Domain Controller, we have received a error. This DC is in Domain Controller OU.
When ran the DC diag on this DC, below is the output and error.
Directory Server Diagnosis
Performing initial setup:
Trying to find home server...
Home Server = DC1234
* Identified AD Forest.
Done gathering initial info.
Doing initial required tests
Testing server: USDC\DC1234
Starting test: Connectivity
......................... DC1234 passed test Connectivity
Doing primary tests
Testing server: BRAJG\DC1234
Starting test: Advertising
Warning: DsGetDcName returned information for
\\SWBRAJG18.nl.am.abc.cp.com, when we were trying to reach
......................... DC1234 failed test Advertising
Starting test: FrsEvent
There are warning or error events within the last 24 hours after the
SYSVOL has been shared. Failing SYSVOL replication problems may cause
Group Policy problems.
......................... DC1234 passed test FrsEvent
Starting test: DFSREvent
......................... DC1234 passed test DFSREvent
Starting test: SysVolCheck
......................... DC1234 passed test SysVolCheck
Starting test: KccEvent
......................... DC1234 passed test KccEvent
Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders
[SWGLSAZ150] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 5,
Access is denied..
Warning: SWGLSAZ150 is the Schema Owner, but is not responding to DS
RPC Bind.
Ldap search capability attribute search failed on server DC5678,
return value = 81
Warning: SWGLSAZ150 is the Schema Owner, but is not responding to LDAP
[DC6789] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 5,
Access is denied..
Warning: DC6789 is the Domain Owner, but is not responding to DS
RPC Bind.
Ldap search capability attribute search failed on server DC6789,
return value = 81
Warning: DC6789 is the Domain Owner, but is not responding to LDAP
[SWMXMC20] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 5,
Access is denied..
Warning: SWMx20 is the PDC Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC
Ldap search capability attribute search failed on server SWMXMC20,
return value = 81
Warning: SWMXMC20 is the PDC Owner, but is not responding to LDAP
[SWMXSJ221] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 5,
Access is denied..
Warning: SWMXSJ221 is the Rid Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC
Ldap search capability attribute search failed on server SWMXSJ221,
return value = 81
Warning: SWMXSJ221 is the Rid Owner, but is not responding to LDAP
Warning: SWMXSJ221 is the Infrastructure Update Owner, but is not
responding to DS RPC Bind.
Warning: SWMXSJ221 is the Infrastructure Update Owner, but is not
responding to LDAP Bind.
......................... DC1234 failed test KnowsOfRoleHolders
Starting test: MachineAccount
......................... DC1234 passed test MachineAccount
Starting test: NCSecDesc
......................... DC1234 passed test NCSecDesc
Starting test: NetLogons
Unable to connect to the NETLOGON share! (\\DC1234\netlogon)
[DC1234] An net use or LsaPolicy operation failed with error 67,
The network name cannot be found..
......................... DC1234 failed test NetLogons
Starting test: ObjectsReplicated
......................... DC1234 passed test ObjectsReplicated
Starting test: Replications
[SWBRAJG18] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 5,
Access is denied..
......................... DC1234 failed test Replications
Starting test: RidManager
......................... DC1234 failed test RidManager
Starting test: Services
......................... DC1234 passed test Services
Starting test: SystemLog
An error event occurred. EventID: 0x00000469
Time Generated: 09/15/2015 12:22:22
Event String:
The processing of Group Policy failed because of lack of network co
nectivity to a domain controller. This may be a transient condition. A success
essage would be generated once the machine gets connected to the domain control
er and Group Policy has successfully processed. If you do not see a success mes
age for several hours, then contact your administrator.
......................... DC1234 failed test SystemLog
Starting test: VerifyReferences
......................... DC1234 passed test VerifyReferences
Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
......................... DomainDnsZones passed test
Running partition tests on : nl
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
......................... nl passed test CheckSDRefDom
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
......................... nl passed test CrossRefValidation
Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
......................... ForestDnsZones passed test
Running partition tests on : Schema
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation
Running partition tests on : Configuration
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation
Running enterprise tests on : abc.cp.com
Starting test: LocatorCheck
Ldap search capability attribute search failed on server SWBRAJG18,
return value = 81
......................... abc.cp.com passed test LocatorCheck
Starting test: Intersite
......................... abc.cp.com passed test Intersite
Thanks HA