Is there a way of logging verbosely what Adamsync is doing? I use the /log command line, but this only gives summary information by the look of it.
The problem I have is that Adamsync is not importing all the data that I expect it to...
If I run this command against the domain controller that Adamsync normally talks to,
csvde -f data4.csv -s b06721 -d "dc=xxxx,dc=root,dc=local"
-p subtree -v -l "DN, userPrincipalName" -r "(&(objectClass=User)(objectCategor
then the export has about 3500 entries, and includes the user that I'm interested in.
The AD LDS instance has this configuration file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<description>sample Adamsync configuration file</description>
When I run the sync command,
adamsync /sync v0153 "dc=xxxx,dc=co,dc=uk" /log sync1.log
The import runs successfully without any ldap errors, and will produce the summary output such as
Updating the configuration file DirSync cookie with a new value.
Beginning processing of deferred dn references.
Finished processing of deferred dn references.
Finished (successful) synchronization run.
Number of entries processed via dirSync: 19
Number of entries processed via ldap: 2
Processing took 0 seconds (0, 0).
Number of object additions: 2
Number of object modifications: 17
Number of object deletions: 0
Number of object renames: 2
Number of references processed / dropped: 0, 0
Maximum number of attributes seen on a single object: 12
Maximum number of values retrieved via range syntax: 0
Beginning aging run.
Aging requested every 0 runs. We last aged 2 runs ago.
Saving Configuration File on DC=xxxx,DC=co,DC=uk
Saved configuration file.
But the new user I need is missing from AD LDS instance. There are no replication issues on the source AD, and the csvde command proves that the data I need can be found. I'm using the same ldap filter for both the csvde command and adamsync.
Any suggestions would be very welcome. The AD LDS instance is running on a Windows 2008 R2 server, and is importing from a Windows 2003 domain.