Hello everyone
I recently setup a Windows Server 2012 and I created a test user with a roaming profile. It works fine but when I try to access the user's profile I get the message "You don't currently have permissin to access this folder. CLick continue to permanenlty get access to this folder". If I do that then the user loses permission to its own profile folder and can not login. a number of solutions online but nothing works for me.
I deleted the user, enabled policy "Add the administrators security group to roaming user profiles" then created another user but made no difference. I was unable to access the folder.
Another solution was to enable policy "Do not check for user ownership of Roaming profile folders" but no luck.
I also changed the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system\EnableLUA to 0 from 1, rebooted the server but still can't get access to the profile folders.
Does anyone has a solution/workaround about it? Any suggestions, please?
Many thanks