We are trying to perform an intraforest domain migration. The source domain level is 2003 and the target is 2012. ADMT 3.2 is installed in the target domain on a server running 2012 r2. Their is a trust setup and we have had no problems so far, we have migrated some users and groups without issue and I am going to start on computers and servers.
When I went to run a migration on a server I received the following message on the pre-check, which subsequently failed:
Unable to verify the computer 'svr1.source.local' belongs to the domain 'source.local'. The remote procedure call failed and did not execute. (hr=0x800706bf)
I have scoured the internet and I have seen no other instances of this error to work off of. I have double-checked DNS settings and the health of the source domain, the error is still occurring. I have tried other servers and PCs and the pre-check always
fails with the same error message. The service account we are using for this is the 'Administrator' account from the target domain, I have verified it is a member of the builtin administrator group on the source domain.
Any help or suggestions are appreciated greatly.