The case:
I have a site (site1 for the example) with domain controller 2003 and terminal server 2008r2 with domain name
I want to build a second site (site2 for the example) with domain controller 2012 and users of which will log on to domain of site2 and have access to terminal server of site1.
My question:
1) If I choose "Parent-child" trust, do the domain of the second site have to be named like or it can be irrelevant (like company2.local for example)?
2) If it cannot be irrelevant do I have to raise the 2003 domain to forest and then join the domain of site2 to the forest or there is another way accomplice my goals?
3) If any kind of trust is build , I will have just to add users of domain of site2 to the "remote desktop group" of terminal server of site1 and that's it?
I hope my questions and goals are clear enough.
Thanx in advance for any help